Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hey again, just a random story for you all:

Yesterday, Ilsa and I decided to get a little cleaning out of the way seeing as how room checks are today (I think?). Sounds easy enough, right? False. Here in Austria they really like to be picky about their cleaning. There’ s a lot of calcium in the water, so we’re required to spray and wipe down the shower and sink daily, along with a weekly spray down using this other cleaner  that I hear is dangerous (they said don’t be fooled by its enticing Kool-Aid scent, this stuff is highly acidic). No big deal, we were able to get that done in a matter of minutes, so we moved on to trash. Boy, were we in for a surprise…

Everything here needs to be separated—paper, glass, metal, biodegradable, problem trash, and (if all else fails) RestmĪ‹ll. Being the ignorant Americans that we are, our trash had been mixed together and piling up for the whole week. It was a mess—a mess that needed some major sorting. So we grabbed the garbage cliff notes (more like garbage novel) and got to work. Who knew four girls living in a room together could produce so much garbage (and shed so much hair)?? Five piles, moldy food, and a few used feminine products later we had what we thought as the properly separated garbage. Let’s just say this will never happen again. 
                                            ^garbage cliff notes (side-ways because I don't know how to use this blog)
Another fun fact, we took a walk into town yesterday. While were there, a car pulled over and two guys started talking to us in German (sounded like they needed directions?). I gave them a confused look and asked if they spoke English. The one immediately switched to English, but was disappointed to learn that we were not locals, so drove off. More importantly the moral of this story is that he thought we were Austrian! Guess we’ve done a better job of blending in with the culture than we thought…

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